§ Mr. J. P. FARRELLasked the Chief Secretary whether the Lord Chancellor of Ireland has recently received a resolution passed by the Longford Urban District Council requesting that the three past chairmen of the council might, having regard to the fact that there is only one nominated magistrate in the township of Longford, be appointed to the commission of the peace for the county of Longford; whether he is aware that a copy of this resolution was sent to the Lord Lieutenant of the county, who has replied refusing to accede to the wishes of the council; and whether, in view of this attitude of the Lord Lieutenant the Lord Chancellor will exercise the right vested in him and make the appointments after due inquiry as to the status and ability of the gentlemen named?
§ Mr. RUSSELLThe Lord Chancellor received a copy of the resolution referred to, but no information is available as to whether the Lieutenant of the county was also sent a copy, nor as to what is his attitude in the matter. The names of the three gentlemen mentioned in the resolution will be duly considered by the Lord Chancellor.
§ Mr. J. P. FARRELLasked whether three vacancies exist on the magisterial bench of Edgworthstown, two on Granard, and one on Ballinalee, county Longford; whether over six months ago the names of several respectable and eligible gentlemen, landholders, and merchants were submitted to the Lord Chancellor for appointment; whether these appointments have been vetoed by the Lord Lieutenant of county Longford; and, if so, what action the Government propose to take to give effect to feeling in this matter?
§ Mr. RUSSELLThree magistrates entitled to adjudicate in the petty sessions districts referred to have recently died. The names of certain gentlemen submitted in connection with those districts are under consideration by the Lord Chan- 722 cellor who is in correspondence with the Lieutenant of the county on the subject.
§ Mr. FARRELLIs the right hon. Gentleman aware that the Lieutenant of the county in this case is a rabid Tory?
§ Mr. SWIFT MacNEILLIs the right hon. Gentleman also aware that the present Lieutenant succeeded his father?