§ 79. Mr. O'GRADYasked the Home Secretary whether his attention has been directed to a complaint regarding a building in Bristol which is stored with highly inflammable material, and behind which stands an inhabited court; and whether, in view of the fact that if the building in question took fire the inhabitants of the court would have no means of escape, he will either make representations to the local authority or take other action to remove the danger?
§ Mr. McKENNAI have received a complaint about a building at Bristol used for the storage of turpentine. I have no power to take any action, and I doubt if the local authority have any power, but it is open to the persons who complain to apply to the local authority. The local authority could at any rate ascertain whether the means of escape are adequate.
§ Mr. O'GRADYCan that answer be conveyed to the inhabitants of the court, as there is certain to be a holocaust one of these days?
§ Mr. McKENNAI think it is sufficiently made public by being mentioned in the House of Commons.