§ 83. Mr. BARNSTONasked the Postmaster-General whether he is aware that during the recent by-election at Bolton, some forty envelopes, addressed by the Unionists candidate's election agent to electors in the North Ward and containing information as to where the electors were entitled to record their votes, were delivered in a bundle at a house in Blackburn Road, with the result that none of the letters reached their destination; whether he has received any complaints a3 to the non delivery during the by-election of letters to the electors addressed by the Liberal candidate's election agent; and whether, in view of the importance of ensuring the safe delivery of letters during an election, he will state what steps he intends to take to prevent a recurrence of such incidents in the future?
§ Mr. HERBERT SAMUELA bundle of about forty election circulars was dropped near to the entrance to a house in Blackburn Road, Bolton, by one of the seventy-seven temporary postmen who had to be employed to assist in the delivery of the election correspondence. It is not the case that none of the circulars reached their destination; on the contrary, the bundle having been found by the householder and taken to the office of the Conservative Association, was returned by them to the post office, and the circulars were all specially delivered within an hour of their return. I am satisfied that the postman's neglect, of which proper notice has been taken, was not wilful. The Liberal candidate did not distribute his election circulars by post.