HC Deb 02 April 1912 vol 36 cc1026-8

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether, in view of the fact that General French stated in 1910 the Yeomanry squadrons were very much hampered during their annual training by recruits who were without the elementary knowledge necessary to fit them for the ranks, he could say whether all these recruits have done the necessary preliminary drills, as laid down in the Regulations for the training of the Territorial Force; and, if not, whether they were deprived of their pay, as laid down in Appendix 6, Sub-appendix I., Training of Yeomanry?

Colonel SEELY

I would ask the hon. Gentleman to put down this question until after Easter.


asked the Secretary of State for War whether, in view of the fact that forty-one officers and 6,703 non-commissioned officers and men absented them- selves altogether without leave from camp training in 1911, he could say how many of them were punished for this breach of discipline, and of what the punishments consisted; and are these officers and men still borne on the strength of the Territorial Force?

Colonel SEELY

No statistics are available at the War Office which would give the information required. It would involve a great deal of labour to prepare statistics of the officers and men who were absent from annual training in camp, and if the hon. Gentleman will excuse me I should like to avoid giving this extra trouble to the Department.


Is it not the case that as regards each individual unit the figures are available?

Colonel SEELY

We could get the information both with regard to this and some following questions, but it would involve a great deal of labour. Of course, if the hon. Gentleman insists on it, I will get the information, but in view of the great labour involved I think that it is not necessary.


Were any of these officers and men punished, and, if not, why not?

Colonel SEELY

Of course action can be taken with regard to every man who fails to attend under the Territorial Forces Act, and with regard to officers disciplinary action is taken in some cases, and in the case of, I think, eleven officers, they have left the country. If the hon. Member wants the information and insists upon it, it shall be obtained.


Cannot these statistics be obtained quite easily by the secretaries to the Territorial Associations, as each county would have all the statistics at hand?

Colonel SEELY

That is not my information. I inquired at the War Office, and the different officials concerned pointed out the great mass of correspondence which would be involved in obtaining the information.


asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether he will grant a Return showing the average number of drills performed by the non-commissioned officers and men of the Artillery, the Yeomanry, and the Infantry, respectively, of the Territorial Force, exclusive of camp training, during the year ending 30th September, 1911?

Colonel SEELY

I will obtain the information asked for in this question.


asked whether Colonel Satterthwaite had been appointed as the representative of the Territorial Force upon the Headquarters Staff at £150 a year; what time he would be expected to give to his duties for that rate of salary; whether he would have an office; and what assistance will be afforded him?

Colonel SEELY

The answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. Colonel Satterthwaite has been appointed at a salary of £150 a year. It is not a whole time appointment; he does in point of fact give a considerable amount of time to his duties. He retains the other appointment which the hon. Gentleman knows he now holds; his duties are advisory. He does not do routine work. I think the arrangement made a good one.


I would ask the right hon. Gentleman if he would try to get adjutants who give their whole time to the Territorial Force adequate pay?

Colonel SEELY

I do not think that arises out of the question.