HC Deb 30 May 1911 vol 26 cc889-90

asked whether, if the old roster had not been altered, the 7th Hussars would in the ordinary course of events have remained on Home service until at least 1915.

Colonel SEELY

I fear I cannot give any calculation of the position on the roster which this regiment might have occupied under circumstances different from those which now prevail.


Will the right hon. Gentleman endeavour to equalise the periods of service at home and abroad of cavalry regiments?

Colonel SEELY

That is the object of the roster which has been compiled. Of course, at the beginning of these arrange- ments inequalities must occur, and this regiment is undoubtedly one which suffers on comparison with some, though not on comparison with some others.


asked whether the 20th Hussars went to India in 1895 and returned in 1904, having thus served nine years abroad, whereas the 7th Hussars served sixteen?

Colonel SEELY

The 20th Hussars went to India in September, 1895 and returned in December, 1904. The 7th Hussars went to India in November, 1886, and returned in November, 1898. The four years during which the 7th Hussars served in South Africa on a war tour are not reckoned as service abroad for the purposes of the roster.


May I ask whether he is aware that on his own showing out of twenty-seven cavalry regiments, exclusive of the 7th Hussars, eighteen have left foreign service—


That question does not arise, and the hon. and gallant Member had better put it down.