HC Deb 30 May 1911 vol 26 cc888-9

asked whether the Army Council approve of the recommendation of Sir Edward Ward's committee on the employment of old soldiers that Army service should count towards civil pension; whether any attempt has been made to induce the Treasury to provide the necessary funds; and, if not, whether he will attempt to do so at an early date?

Colonel SEELY

The Army Council are in full sympathy with any recommendation such as that alluded to by the hon. and gallant Member, which will better the condition of the old soldier, but they recognise the force of the objections to this concession, and they regret that they are not in a position to overcome them.


What principle is followed?

Colonel SEELY

You would have to reopen a great many questions to inquire into it. There was a Committee on the question, to the report of which I will refer the hon. Gentleman. It is a very difficult question, and it would raise very wide issues if we were to consider it now.


Is there any Depart-mental Committee outside that of Sir Edward Ward?

Colonel SEELY

That is the one to which I referred.


Is he aware that Sir Edward Ward's Committee recommended this course?

Colonel SEELY

I shall be glad to give the hon. Gentleman a precis of the objections raised by the responsible authorities concerned to the suggestions therein made.


I shall be glad to have it.