HC Deb 30 May 1911 vol 26 cc890-1

asked the Under-Secretary if his attention has been called to the case of a member of the Territorial Force who, on applying for a post in domestic service, was informed by the house steward that if his application were to be entertained he must apply for his discharge from his Territorial unit, which course has been followed; whether such cases are of common occurrence; what fine the man will have to pay or if, under the circumstances, he will be given a free discharge; and can steps be taken in similar cases to make wealthy employers pay the fine instead of giving the soldier a free discharge at a monetary loss to the Territorial Association?

Colonel SEELY

I have no knowledge of the matter referred to in the question. Perhaps the Noble Lord will be good enough to send me further details.


May I ask if the right hon. Gentleman is aware of the great difficulty commanding officers have in recommending fines for a poor man when offered a good place, either he loses the place or gets fined to the loss of the country—and in this case it is one of an influential employer—and will the right hon. Gentleman inquire if I give him details?

Captain CRAIG

Will the right hon. and gallant Gentleman consult the Prime Minister on this subject?