HC Deb 16 March 1911 vol 22 c2425

asked the right hon. Gentleman whether he can state the limits and comparative extent of the areas already thrown open to unrestricted trade in the Congo, and of those which remain to be opened in accordance with the Belgian decree of 22nd March, 1910, and the dates when, according to that decree, they will be opened; and whether there is any prospect of the opening being hastened?


In accordance with the terms of the decree of 22nd March, 1910, the Congo State was to be thrown open to trade, certain comparatively small areas being reserved, in three sections. The first section, which covers more than half the country, was thrown open on July 1st of last year: it extends over the southern and western districts. A further section in the middle of the Congo is to be thrown open on July 1st next; and the third section in the north and east on 1st July, 1912. I regret to say that the Belgian Government have expressed no intention of anticipating those dates; and until the two remaining areas are thrown open, the Free Trade conditions contemplated by the Treaty obligations of the original Congo State will not be fulfilled. It will probably be for the convenience of the hon. Member if I lay before Parliament a translation of the decree of 22nd March, and I therefore propose to do so, and to place in the Library of the House a copy of the map which accompanied it.