HC Deb 15 March 1911 vol 22 cc2245-6

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland how many of the 798 evicted families entitled to reinstatement and remaining unprovided for at the end of March, 1910, are still in that condition; and why the last annual report of the Estates Commissioners gives no account of the exercise of their compulsory powers for the relief of those evicted families or of congested and landless people?


The Estates Commissioners inform me that the number of evicted tenants provisionally noted for consideration in the allotment of untenanted land by the Commissioners and who have not yet been reinstated in their former holdings or provided with other holdings at the end of last month was 698. As regards the last paragraph, I would refer the hon. Member to page xx. of the last annual report of the Estates Commissioners, where particulars are given of the lands acquired under the provisions of the Evicted Tenants Act.


asked whether the Estates Commissioners had yet been able to reinstate or provide an equivalent holding, as repeatedly promised in this House, for the Widow Sammon, of Carrow- kennedy, county Mayo, whose eviction was the immediate cause of the foundation of the United Irish League?


The Estates Commissioners having failed to acquire the untenanted lands referred to in my reply to the question of the hon. Member on the 10th March, 1910, are at present inquiring into the possibility of providing Mrs. Sammon with a holding on other untenanted lands which are the subject of proceedings for sale under the Land Purchase Acts.