HC Deb 10 July 1911 vol 28 c26

asked whether camp equipments have been refused to the boys' brigades this summer on the nominal charge hitherto demanded; and, if so, will he state what are the reasons which have led the War Office to discourage this valuable form of physical training?

Colonel SEELY

The answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative as far as bodies which have not sought and obtained official recognition are concerned. It is not, as a general rule, considered justifiable to give such assistance on a generous scale to bodies which do not comply with any military requirements and maintain no military connection. The Army Council may, however, consider the possibility in special cases of lending equipment, etc., to bodies other than those recognised if the stores are available when the particular application is made, but, of course, the scale of nominal charges drawn up in the case of recognised bodies will not be extended to them.


Has there been any change of policy in this matter between last year and this year?

Colonel SEELY

The Secretary for War made a full statement on this subject in this House, and I think he then explained that we could not put expenses on the Army Funds for bodies which maintain no military connection. We have, where we could, lent equipment, provided the whole of the expenses are paid, to boy camps.