HC Deb 03 July 1911 vol 27 c780

asked whether the reports of His Majesty's consuls show that a policy of devastation is being carried out by the Turkish forces in Albania; and, if so, what steps are proposed for associating His Majesty's Government with the remonstrances made by the Government of Austria-Hungary?


Dispatches received from His Majesty's Vice-Consul at Scutari, in Albania, state that reports have reached him of numerous instances of the destruction of the houses and property of the insurgent Malissore tribes by the Turkish troops in the course of the military operations in Northern Albania. His Imperial Majesty the Sultan has announced his intention, in connection with the proclamation of amnesty recently issued by the Turkish Government, to grant a sum of £T10,000 to assist the Malissores in repairing the inevitable damages caused by the military operations. The situation in Albania is under consideration amongst the Powers, and I can say nothing about the individual action of any one of them.