§ Mr. FFRENCHasked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Agriculture whether he was aware that artificial manures were placed on the market and advertised as complete fertilisers in the cheapest form, and offered at £3 10s. per ton, whilst their estimated value was anything from 10s. 6d. to 26s. per ton; whether he was aware that, in violation of the Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs Act, manures were advertised as complete manures which were not complete; and whether the vendor would be held responsible for the losses sustained by the farmer who was induced to purchase the manure by a misleading advertisement?
§ Sir E. STRACHEYThe Board have no doubt that cases of the kind to which the hon. Member refers do from time to time occur. The vendors are, however, as a rule, careful to commit no breach of the law. The Board have recently issued a warning to farmers on the subject. The 243 legal liability of the vendor to the farmer for losses incurred would depend on the circumstances of each case. I shall be glad to consider whether anything can be done in any specific case which may be brought to my notice.
§ Mr. FLAVINDoes any inspection take place at the ports of this country as to the quality of the manures sent to Ireland?
§ Sir E. STRACHEYI think not.
§ Mr. FFRENCHIs it not against the Act to advertise as "complete manures" manures that are not complete?
§ Sir E. STRACHEYIt is illegal, of course, to advertise anything as something which it is not.