HC Deb 20 June 1910 vol 18 c23

asked the Secretary to the Treasury whether the Treasury had had under their consideration the question of the dues to be charged to the London and North-Western Railway Company for the use by their steamers of Kingstown Harbour since March, 1908; could he now state when a decision in this matter would be arrived at; and, in the event of the Treasury deciding that a Royal harbour maintained by public moneys was not to be used by a private company at a merely nominal charge, such dues as might be decided upon would be chargeable against the London and North-Western Railway Company from the date upon which this company first used this harbour?


The question of the dues to be paid by the London and North-Western Railway Company for the use of Kingstown Harbour is engaging my attention, and I hope to be able to arrive at a conclusion very shortly.


As the matter has now been under consideration for two years, is it not time a decision was come to?


The question is not so easy as it appears on the face of it, the matter being complicated by other payments for quite different services.