HC Deb 21 April 1910 vol 16 c2293
Captain CRAIG

asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware that it has been decided in the Irish Courts of Law,ex parteQuirke, 8 I.L.T.R., 194, that the words "support" and "maintenance" as applied to Irish county infirmaries do not permit of any part of the county grant being allocated for the payment of a salary to a chaplain; whether, such legal decision having been given, he can say what steps will be taken by the Local Government Board auditor in connection with the auditing of the accounts of the Sligo county infirmary, where a salary of £80 a year has been paid to a Roman Catholic chaplain; and, if the auditor holds that such payment is regular in the accounts he is auditing, will it be a precedent for the payment out of county rates to chaplains of other denominations in that and other county infirmaries?


I am aware of the decision referred to. I cannot say what action the auditor may take, or what its effect may be. All decisions of auditors as to the legality of payments charged against local funds are subject to review on appeal.