HC Deb 28 September 1909 vol 11 c1080

asked the Postmaster-General whether a postman in Liverpool had recently been appointed to the position of head postman over the heads of all the assistant head postmen in Liverpool; whether it had been the practice in Liverpool for notice of any vacancy, and inviting applications for the post, to be exhibited; whether this was omitted on the present occasion; and, if so, whether he would issue instructions that in future all vacancies of this kind should be announced, so that every eligible man might have an opportunity of making an application?

The POSTMASTER-GENERAL (Mr. Sydney Buxton)

It has been the practice at Liverpool, as elsewhere, as a rule, to invite applications for vacancies for the position of acting head postman and assistant head postman, but on the occasion referred to it was not considered necessary to follow this course, sufficient applications made on a former occasion being already in hand. The matter is one to be governed by considerations of convenience and general advantage. The claims of all the qualified postmen are considered in connection with each vacancy.