HC Deb 06 September 1909 vol 10 cc900-1

asked the Chief Secretary if he would state the names of the-several owners of landed property in county Kilkenny who have sold their properties under the Land Act of 1903, and in which the sales have been sanctioned by the Estates Commissioners, the names of owners in which agreements have been signed but not yet sanctioned, and the number of years' purchase in each case; and if he would state the number of applications which have been made on behalf of evicted or other tenants in the county for reinstatement in their holdings or the holdings of their relatives, the number reinstated, and the steps taken to have the remainder reinstated, with the names of the estates from which the applications arose?


The hon. Member will find the particulars which he requires as regards all estates for which the purchase money has been advanced in the Monthly Returns of Advances presented to Parliament. The Estates Commissioners are not in a position to give similar details in the case of sales which are still incomplete, but Table II. of their Annual Report, which has recently been presented, gives all available information as to the purchase agreements which have been lodged, including the number of years' purchase for each county. Applications have been received by the Commissioners from 273 persons seeking reinstatement as evicted tenants, or as the representatives of such tenants, in county Kilkenny. One hundred and sixty-five of these applications have, after inquiry, been rejected, 68 applicants have been reinstated or provided with new holdings, and nine have been noted for consideration in the allotment of untenanted land. No ruling has yet been made with regard to the remaining 31 applications.