§ Mr. ARTHUR LYNCHasked whether, in view of natural resources in West Clare which would become productive if properly developed, he will consider it advisable to send a small commission, comprising a distinguished civil engineer and a competent business man, with instructions to furnish practical reports on the basis of which public works can be immediately undertaken, such as the reclamation of about 1,400 acres in Poulnasherry Bay; the construction of a small serviceable pier at Labsheeda, and others of the kind; and whether, in the cases where a favourable report is forthcoming, he will undertake that the carrying out of these works shall not impose any additional burden on the people of West Clare?
§ Mr. BIRRELLThere are no funds at present at the disposal of the Government for carrying out works such as are suggested in the question. Should funds hereafter be made available for the purpose, the claims of West Clare will be carefully considered in connection with similar applications from other districts. The Government has ample means of obtaining expert advice as to the practicability of works of the kind.