HC Deb 25 November 1909 vol 13 cc340-1

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether his attention had been called to complaints as to the action of the Irish Local Government Board acting as a court of appeal in the administration of the Old Age Pensions Act; whether he was aware that many of the pension committees and sub-committees in the county of Cork and in other parts of Ireland state that their functions in regard to the Act are rendered nugatory by the action of the Local Government Board in acting solely on the report of the local pension officer and ignoring the local committees; and whether, in view of the official figures showing that the percentage of persons receiving old age pensions based on the Census Returns of 1841 on 30th June, 1909, was for England 257 per cent., Scotland 2'79 per cent., and Ireland 2.25 per cent., he will send instructions to the Local Government Board to recognise the position and responsibility of the local authorities in the administration of the Act?


The Local Government Board have received Resolutions of the nature referred to in the question from several pension sub-committees. As I have just explained in my reply to a question asked by the hon. Member for North Sligo, the representations of the pension committees are duly considered by the Board, who are, however, bound to form their own conclusions.


Is the right hon. Member aware that with regard to the figures given in the latter part of the question— the percentages—that they are accurate and official figures, and that they dissipate the erroneous impression that an undue number of pensions are going to Ireland?


Well, I do not doubt at all that the figures do go in the direction that the hon. Gentleman indicates.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that when the local pension committee disagree from the decision of the Local Government Board that, in case of appeal, the Local Government Board will not return to the local pensions committee the documents upon which the claim and appeal is based? Will the right hon. Gentleman see that the Local Government Board do return all such documents to the local pensions committee?


I will inquire into that. I see no reason why the documents should not be returned.