HC Deb 04 November 1909 vol 12 cc1997-8

asked what number of persons had suffered ejection or eviction or been threatened either with ejection or eviction from Vatersay since it was taken over by the Congested Districts Board; and in each case for what reasons?


No ejections have so far taken place. Proceedings for ejection and interdict have been raised, after ample warning, against eight of the squatters who were not allotted holdings out of the limited number available, and who decline to leave the island; and also against two squatters who were allotted holdings but decline to sign the agreements regulating the tenure of the holdings. The ground of action against all is the same—that they are in unlawful occupation of the Board's land.


Has the right hon. Gentleman had any cause to change the opinion which he expressed that these people had a right to live there, and could not be removed?




Are these people to be evicted?


Yes, unless they conform to the conditions.


asked whether some of the tenants who were desirous of obtaining small holdings in Vatersay were dissatisfied with the terms of the agreements offered them by the Congested Districts Board, and maintained that they were not in accord with the Crofters Acts; whether they had offered either to refer those agreements to a neutral arbiter, or to accept the Board's assurance that they would not be deprived of any of the benefits of the Acts; and whether the Board had refused to agree to either of those courses?


Fifty-one out of 58 successful applicants for holdings have signed the agreement. Those who have not signed and who demand arbitration are, as the hon. Member is doubtless aware, in illegal occupation of land property of the Congested Districts Board. Arbitration has been refused. I am not aware that those who refuse to sign are prepared to accept the Board's assurance that they will not be deprived of any of the benefits of the Crofters Acts.


Has the right hon. Gentleman seen the correspondence between the representatives of the Crofters and the Congested Districts Board, making the offer that if they are assured by the Board that the terms of the agreement are the same as under the Crofters' Acts, they will be satisfied?


The terms of the agreement make it quite clear that those who obtain the holdings will obtain all the benefits of the Crofters Acts.


asked the Lord Advocate whether he was aware that the Barra school board recently applied to the Congested Districts Board for a site on which to build a school at Vatersay, and that the Congested Districts Board replied that they would require £10 per acre; whether he was aware that the school board had refused to agree to those terms on the ground that in Barra they could obtain land from Lady Gordon Cathcart at a uniform price of 10s. 6d. per acre; and what steps the Government intended to take to meet the educational needs of Vatersay?


The hon. Member has been entirely misinformed. The Congested Districts Board have never made any such statement as alleged. They are at present awaiting the proposals of the school board.