HC Deb 03 November 1909 vol 12 cc1963-4

For the purpose of establishing or maintaining any school or college which any council have power to establish or maintain under Part II. of the Education Act, 1902, the council shall have power and shall be deemed always to have had power to unite with any other council having powers under that Part of that Act, on such terms as to payment, the appointment of a joint body of managers, and otherwise, as may be or may have been agreed between them.


May I ask for an explanation of this Clause as well?


The hon. Member is expected to reasonably inform himself as to the contents of Bills which come before the Committee.


This is a case of legislation by reference, and it is almost impossible for hon. Members of this House, when they do not know what measures are coming on after midnight to study all the details of these measures. I have studied this Bill in order to find out its purport, but I have not succeeded. The Minister in charge of the Bill is here to give us the information we require.


I have no objection to giving the information. This Clause enables local authorities to combine in regard to the management and control of a secondary school, which they cannot do now.

Clauses agreed to.

Bill reported without Amendment; read the third time, and passed, without Amendment.