HC Deb 03 November 1909 vol 12 c1963

Where any receipts or payments of money are entrusted by a council having powers under Part II. of the Education Act, 1902, to the managers of any school provided by them for the purpose of supplying education other than elementary, the accounts of those receipts and payments shall be accounts of the council under the Education Act, 1902, but the auditor of those accounts shall have the same power with respect to the managers as he would have if the managers were officers of the council.


I might be permitted to make the same request with regard to this Clause. I think it is desirable we should know what effect the references in the Clause have.


This Clause enables the managers of secondary schools to keep accounts for the local authorities. At present they technically cannot keep these accounts. It is merely a matter of administration.


What is the advantage of the managers keeping these accounts? The local education authority has its staff of accountants, and these matters should be in the hands of experts rather than in the hands of amateurs who really cannot be held responsible.


The responsibility is with the local authorities, but these bodies of managers are very responsible people.

Clause ordered to stand part of the Bill.