HC Deb 02 November 1909 vol 12 c1654

asked the President of the Board of Trade if he is aware that the men employed on the Midland Great Western Railway (Ireland) have agreed to approach the company by petitions (as interpreting in their case what is meant by the words the usual way in the Board of Trade Conciliation Scheme of November, 1907); whether it has been brought to his notice that the permanent way inspectors, at the request of the chief officials of the company, have been canvassing the men against signing the petition, and to induce those who had already signed to withdraw their signatures from the petition, asking that their programme presented to the company some time ago should now be considered; and what steps, if any, he proposes to take in this matter?


The President of the Board of Trade has communicated with the railway company, who inform him that no such request as that referred to in the latter part of the question has been made by their chief officials to the permanent way inspectors.