HC Deb 26 May 1909 vol 5 c1194

asked the Secretary of State for War if he can state how far the Royal Engineers of the Territorial Army are still in difficulties as to training, likely to affect interest in their work, and caused in part by lack of necessary stores and arms; if he can say how many works or balloon companies are without mining, bridging, or balloon stores, or in possession only of stores officially called in; how many electric, wireless, air-line, cable, and search-light companies are without modern plant; whether he can explain the position of the engineer companies as regards facilities for instruction in electrical and technical duties; and whether it is now proposed to lend to unarmed companies defective arms for use in camp?


All the Royal Engineer units of the Territorial Force, except the wireless and balloon companies, are receiving sufficient equipment for training. Instructions to demand the stores have been given and the stores are being issued. Wireless equipment cannot be issued until a supply now under manufacture for the regular units has been received, when experimental equipment now held by them will be liberated and issued to the 'Territorial units. In the present condition of balloon equipment and the modification likely to be made by the introduction of dirigible balloons, it is not thought desirable to issue equipment to the Territorial balloon units. They will train at Aldershot with the regular unit. Small stores, however, for instruction are being issued. No technical equipment that is obsolete is being issued to any Territorial Royal Engineer units, but it must be remembered that the latest pattern cannot in all cases be issued to even the regular units. It is intended to arm all the Territorial Royal Engineer units with the long rifle.