HC Deb 26 May 1909 vol 5 c1192

asked whether the two 9.2-inch guns in the Ravelin battery at Sheerness had been fired with full charges since they had been mounted; and what was the cause of the delay in handing them over, seeing that they were tested in October, 1906, and were not handed over to the Royal Artillery till February. 1908.


These guns were fired with full charges on completion of their mounting in October, 1906. Owing to the difficulty in getting satisfactory foundations it was anticipated that some settlements would occur after the guns were mounted. The actual amount of settlement, however, proved to be small, and did not affect the efficiency or serviceability of the battery. The actual formal handing over after test of mountings was deferred on account of certain subsidiary work, such as tree planting, fencing, etc., which did not affect the structure of the battery. and which was not completed until November, 1907.


May I take it that these guns are in perfect working order at the present time?


I believe so.