HC Deb 17 May 1909 vol 5 cc32-4

It would be for-the convenience of the House if the Prime Minister could give us some sketch as to, the proposed business for the rest of the week, and, if possible, up to the Whitsuntide Recess.


I am afraid I cannot go beyond the week. What we propose for the week is as follows: To-day, of course, is provided for.

To-morrow the remaining Budget Resolutions in Committee of Ways and Means, and we propose to ask the House to suspend the Eleven o'Clock Rule.

On Wednesday, at the morning sitting, the introduction of the Superannuation; Bill under the Ten Minutes Rule; the Lords' Amendments to the Indian Councils Bill; the Money Resolution of the Trade Boards Bill, which has been sent to. the Grand Committee, and which cannot be proceeded with until the Money Resolution is passed in Ways and Means; and the London Electrical Supply Bill, second" reading. These three Orders, I understand, are not likely to take more than a. very short time. My right hon. Friend" the President of the Board of Trade will then introduce and explain the Labour Exchange Bill, and, if there is time, we hope also to secure one or two other Orders of a non-controversial character.

On Thursday we shall proceed with the Budget Resolutions, we hope, on the report stage, and I ought to acid, in order to secure that the Resolutions shall be reported and the introduction of the Finance Bill obtained before Whitsuntide, it is possible—though I hope not probable—that a sitting may be necessary on Saturday.


Will the discussion of sub-head B of the Treasury Vote be taken before the Whitsuntide holidays?


No; not before Whitsuntide.