HC Deb 06 May 1909 vol 4 cc1208-10

asked the hon. Member for South Somerset, as representing the President of the Board of Agriculture, whether Mr. Kemble, who, accompanied by the hon. Member for the Woodstock Division, lately made an inspection of the county of Oxford to inspect land approved by the county council committee for small holdings and consider the claims of applicants, had previously informed himself of the facts in each case by inquiry from the chairman of the small holdings committee or the county land agent, or if he depended for his information on the hon. Member; at whose request Mr. Kemble was instructed by the Department to make the inspection; and why the Commissioners' Report on the inquiry has not been forwarded to the county council?


Before the hon. Member replies, may I ask if the Board of Agriculture is not expressly permitted by the Act to invite the assistance and cooperation of any person or persons whose assistance they may deem useful in carrying out the Act?

The TREASURER of the HOUSEHOLD (Sir E. Strachey)

The Board instructed their inspector to visit Oxfordshire in consequence of the numerous complaints which they had received from applicants for small holdings there. The Board had previously been in communication with the county council with respect to many of the complaints, but they considered it advisable for an inspector to see the applicants personally and go into the matter on the spot. The inspector discussed the subject with the county land agent, and copies of his reports were sent to the chairman of the small holdings and allotments committee.

In reply to the question of the hon. Member for Woodstock, the Board thought the Member for the Division is a proper person to consult.


Can the hon. Baronet say why the report has not been sent to the chairman of the county council?


Copies of the report were sent to the chairman of the small holdings committee and the chairman of the county council, and if the chairman of the county council, who is, I understand, the Noble Lord, did not re- ceive a copy, I think he has just complaint in regard to the action of his own committee.


Is the hon. Baronet aware that the letter of Mr. Kemble was marked "private," that the chairman of the small holdings committee so treated it, and that no member of the county council had any cognisance of it?


I must get notice of that.


Is he aware of the fact that amongst the information secured by Mr. Kemble from the applicants, and not from myself at all, was the fact that the great proportion of the applicants in Oxfordshire were under the impression that they would not have secured any land at all if they were abandoned to the tender mercies of the county council, of which the Noble Lord is a prominent member?


I would ask for notice of that question.

Mr. A. E. W. MASON

Is the Report referred to a statutory Report under the Act, and will the period of six months begin to date from the receipt of the Report by the chairman of the small holdings committee?


Has the hon. Member for Woodstock seen the Report?