HC Deb 06 May 1909 vol 4 cc1210-1
Captain CRAIG

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary a question, of which I have given him private notice, whether he can state if the authorities of Queen's College, Belfast, have applied for an amendment of their charter or for additional powers authorising them to dedicate to the public a portion of their ground as a site for the statue of the late Lord Kelvin, subscribed for by the citizens of Belfast and others, and whether he is aware that the Corporation of the city is prepared to dedicate the necessary ground for the site of the statue within the grounds surrounding the new City Hall, and whether, under these circumstances, the Government will refuse to sanction any alteration of the charter or additional power being given the authorities of Queen's College, in view of the fact that the large majority of subscribers are desirous of having it placed within the grounds of the new City Hall.


I have not heard anything of any application for an alteration in the charter. I hope there will not be any quarrel over the site of a statue of so distinguished a man as the late Lord Kelvin. I call well understand the anxiety of the new University to have the statue of a man so famous in learning and so intimately connected with university life within their boundaries. Possibly some people may also desire that it should be put outside the University. I will give the matter, so far as I have any control, the most careful consideration.

Captain CRAIG

May I ask if he will not grant any change of charter pending the receipt from Belfast of representations on the subject?


I do not think I am likely to make any alteration in the charter within the next ten days.