HC Deb 29 June 1909 vol 7 c232

May I ask a question of which I have given notice several times? Now I see the Minister in his place, I beg to ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if the Government have formed any estimate of the approximate cost to the owners of land of the returns which are required of them by the Commissioners by clause 16 of the Finance Bill; and, if so, will he state what is their estimate of the approximate cost of those returns?


Perhaps the right hon. Gentleman will allow me to apologise for not answering this question before. I am afraid it will be quite impossible for me to answer at question time on the days when the Finance Bill is in Committee. With regard to the question, I have to say that my attention has been repeatedly called to this. It is obviously impossible to prepare any approximate estimate of the cost of providing individual valuations. It would be just as easy to do it in the case of the Land Duties as in the case of the Estate Duties.