HC Deb 28 June 1909 vol 7 cc12-4

asked the hon. Member for South Somerset if he will circulate with the Votes a copy of the Report of Mr. Cheney, the Commissioner, recommending the purchase of the Vergette Farm at Newborough, approved by the Small Holdings Committee, and which the county council of the Soke of Peterborough have declined to carry out?


The Report to which I think my hon. Friend refers was made to assist the Board to determine whether or not the Order made for the compulsory purchase of the land in question should be confirmed. Such reports are of a confidential character.


asked the hon. Member for South Somerset if he is aware that the Small Holdings Committee of the Soke of Peterborough County Council held no less than 15 meetings to consider the question of purchasing the Vergette Farm, at Newborough; that the resolution of the com- mittee finally recommending the purchase was carried without dissent; that the 30 applicants for the small holdings have been patiently waiting for upwards of two years for the land; and if he will take immediate steps to have the Small Holdings Act put into operation in Newborough now that the county council has refused to do its duty?


The Board have no information as to the facts stated in the first and second paragraphs of the question. They are informed that the application came before the Small Holdings Committee on 25th January, 1908. The requirements of the approved applicants must, of course, be satisfied, and the Board have instructed the Commissioner to do what is necessary to secure this result.


asked if the refusal of the county council of the Soke of Peterborough to carry out the recommendations of its Small Holdings Committee and the recommendation of the Board's own Commissioner for the purchase of the Vergette Farm at Newborough is the first case of this kind which has arisen under the Small Holdings Act; and if the Board of Agriculture will treat this as a test case, and, by either compelling the council to act or acting itself, make an example of this council and show to the men all over the country who desire small holdings that the Board of Agriculture means to put the Small Holdings Act into effective operation?


The reply to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. The requirements of the approved applicants must, of course, be satisfied, and the Board have instructed the Commissioner to do what is necessary to secure this result.


asked the hon. Member for South Somerset if he has received any communication from the county council of the Soke of Peterborough with respect to the Vergette Farm, at Newborough, which the Commissioner of the Board has recommended for purchase for small holdings, and which the county council has declined to carry out; and, if so, will he circulate with the Votes the explanation of the council for its disregard of the recommendations both of its Small Holdings Committee and the Board's own Commissioner?


In a letter which the clerk of the county council has ad- dressed to the Board, he states "that the majority of the council (17 to 9 voting), whilst not opposed to the acquisition of land by voluntary means for the purposes of small holdings, were not prepared to adopt the recommendation of its committee to acquire land compulsorily, the principle of compulsion being entirely opposed to their views." The Board have asked to be informed whether the council consider that it will be possible to acquire the land necessary to satisfy the approved demand in the parish by voluntary agreement.