§ The CHAIRMAN Of WAYS and MEANS (Mr. Emmott) moved: "That, in the case of the Marriages Provisional Order (No. 2) Bill, Standing Order 193A be suspended, and that the Bill be read the first time."
§ The Under-Secretary for the Home Department (Mr. Masterman) not being able to be present, perhaps I may be allowed to explain the circumstances in regard to this Bill. A marriage took place last September in the parish church of Calne under circumstances of doubtful validity. The church was under repair, and it is very doubtful whether in such circumstances the marriage is legal. That being the case, this Provisional Order is to regularise the proceedings. The objection to holding over the Bill to next Session is that it is in the interest of the peace of mind of the two people married and the incumbent of the church who performed the marriage that it should be regularised at once. The reason it was not brought forward before Whitsuntide is that it only came to the notice of the Home Office on 9th June. Inquiries were made at once, and the Provisional Order was signed by the Home Secretary without delay.
§ Motion agreed to.
§ Bill to confirm a Provisional Order made by one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State under the Provisional Order (Marriages) Act, 1905, read the first time.