HC Deb 15 July 1909 vol 7 cc2304-5

May I ask the Prime Minister if he can make a statement as to the business next week, and as to what is to be the Supply business on Thursday; and also whether the Government has now fixed a date for the bringing on of the Navy Estimates, when the question of naval strength can be brought up for discussion?


On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week we propose to further proceed with the Committee stage of the Finance Bill.

On Thursday we shall take Supply, Foreign Office Vote, Class 2, Vote 5.

On Friday we shall take a further stage in Committee on the Irish Land Bill.

As to the further question which the right hon. Gentleman puts to me, I said a day or two ago that we would take the Navy Vote in the week beginning 26th July. I cannot at this moment say definitely whether it will be on Monday or Thursday, but it will be on one or other of these days.


Does the right hon. Gentleman seriously intend to take the very important Committee stage of the Irish Land Bill on Fridays, on which days it will have less than five hours discussion, instead of seven hours if taken on other days?


As regards this particular Friday, it is the most convenient course I can propose in the present state of business.