HC Deb 12 July 1909 vol 7 c1630

inquired of the Secretary of State for War how many of the five supposed typhoid-carriers at Millbank, reported on in Paper Cd. 4609, who were undergoing treatment in January-March of this year, are now pronounced to be free from bacillus typhosus; whether these men exhibited any signs of ill - health beyond the excretion of such bacilli; whether the cases treated with general vaccine continued to excrete bacilli many weeks after the vaccination; what results have attended the use of the specific vaccine from which better results were hoped for; and whether cases are recorded in which two years after cured of typhoid these bacilli have been found in excretions?


One only of the five men is believed to be cured at present. None of these men exhibited any signs of ill-health beyond the excretion of the bacilli. The general vaccine had no effect on the excretion of the bacilli, and the excretion continued until treatment with the specific vaccine was commenced. The specific vaccine has not given any better results than the general vaccine. With regard to the last part of the question, if my hon. Friend will refer to the Report contained in Command Paper No. 4609 he will see that such cases have been recorded.