HC Deb 17 August 1909 vol 9 cc1079-80

asked the Home Secretary if his attention had been directed by the Suffragists' Vigilance League to the case of Miss A. C. Laws, who was charged on 9th July with police obstruction and sentenced to three weeks' imprisonment in the second division; whether ha was aware that this lady was convicted on the evidence of an inspector, who stated that she carried a scroll of paper in her hand bearing the word Petition on it, and that it was denied by Miss Laws and the hon. secretary of the Women's Freedom League that such a scroll was ever used by them; and whether he would cause an inquiry to be made with a view to seeing if a miscarriage of justice had occurred in this case?


My attention has been called to this case by the Suffragists' Vigilance League. I have made inquiry, and have seen the evidence. The inspector stated that Miss Hicks and Miss Cummins carried a petition which they wished to present to the Prime Minister, but he made no statement as to Miss Laws carrying anything. I see no reason to doubt the justice of Miss Laws' conviction.


Are we to understand that these ladies were convicted and imprisoned for carrying a scroll?


I have answered the question on the Paper.