HC Deb 17 August 1909 vol 9 c1079

asked the Home Secretary the number of foundries on the registers of the Factory Department; the approximate number in which advantage had been taken by employers of the Statutory Order No. 934, exempting foundries from limewashing; and the approximate number of cases in which action had been taken by factory inspectors under paragraph 4 of the said Order by requiring the occupiers of such places to limewash or otherwise cleanse the whole or part of their premises?


In 1904, the last year for which returns are available, there were 2,331 factories or departments of factories in which iron-founding was carried on, 1,790 in which brass casting, and 121 in which other metal founding was carried on. The information asked for in the last two paragraphs of the question is not available, and could not be obtained except at the cost of a laborious search through the registers and records of the different districts. If the hon. Member has any specific cases in mind, I shall be happy to consider them, if he will let me have the particulars.