HC Deb 11 August 1909 vol 9 cc385-6

asked whether measures were being taken to prevent the spread of sleeping sickness from German East Africa and the Congo to Northern Nyasa-land?

The UNDER-SECRETARY of STATE for the COLONIES (Colonel Seely)

The further investigations which have been made since I answered a similar question of my hon. Friend's on 28th April have failed to reveal the presence in Nyasaland of the tse-tse fly which transmits the disease, and, in these circumstances, there appears to be little risk of the disease spreading from German East Africa and the Congo to the Protectorate. The matter is being closely watched by the local authorities, and, should the occasion arise, they will no doubt take such preventive measures as are possible.


Has a Report been issued in connection with sleeping sickness?

Colonel SEELY

On the whole question of sleeping sickness, I am not sure. A good many documents have been issued about this very important matter, but I do not know whether there, has been one issued concerning Nyasaland.


Is it not a fact that there have been several cases in Nyasaland?

Colonel SEELY

Yes. When you have a disease of this frightful character in a district not very far from Nyasaland, sporadic cases may arise; but fortunately the investigations have proved that the tse-tse fly, which is the only method of propagating the disease, does not exist in Nyasaland.


Are big game the only hosts of this particular fly?

Colonel SEELY

That is not so.


Will the hon. Gentleman have a Paper compiled on the whole subject? It is a very important matter.

Colonel SEELY

I agree; it is a very important subject.