HC Deb 09 August 1909 vol 9 cc7-8

asked the President of the Local Government Board if he had sanctioned a scheme whereby the managers of the West London school dis- trict would lease from the managers of the Central London School district the old ophthalmic schools at Hanwell, the buildings to be certified for the accommodation of from 300 to 400 young children of from three to seven years of age, thus making a total of over 1,100 children reared on one site; whether such a scheme was in direct opposition to the recommendations of the Departmental Committee of 1896 that Poor Law schools be not enlarged and that the numbers for which they are at present certified be considerably reduced, and to the pledges repeatedly given by the Department that the certificates of existing schools should not be increased, and also to the recommendations of the Poor Law Commission that further provision of large institutions for children would not be made; and whether, if the consent of the Local Government Board had not been given to such a scheme, he would advise the school managers concerned to provide other and more suitable accommodation for the young children in their care?


Negotiations are proceeding between the Managers of the two School Districts with the object stated in the question. The building referred to is on ground belonging to the Managers of the Central London School District. It adjoins their schools, but is entirely separate from them, and under the arrangement contemplated it will in no sense form part of these schools, but will be under entirely distinct administration by a different body. It does not appear to me that the scheme is inconsistent with the recommendations of either the Departmental Committee of 1896 or of the Poor Law Commission, or with the pledges given by my Department, and I see no objection to it.


May I ask how many children will be accommodated in the schools?


About 300, and the area of the ground is 11 acres.