HC Deb 05 August 1909 vol 8 c1977

asked the hon. Member for South Somerset, as representing the President of the Board of Agriculture, if the Board has within the past few days received representations from the Leeds and District Butchers' Association calling attention to the diminished supply of imported live cattle into Great Britain and urging that, in the interests of the people of this country the time has come for the restriction on the landing of Argentine cattle at the port of debarkation for slaughter to be removed, especially with the facilities at the command of the Board of Agriculture whereby disease can be effectually dealt with at the Foreign animals wharves and danger to this country's herds averted; whether the Board has given consideration to the association's representations; and, if so, with what result?

The TREASURER of the HOUSEHOLD (Sir Edward Strachey)

Yes, we have received and considered the representations to which my hon. Friend refers, but in view of our statutory obligations it is not possible to adopt the course suggested.