HC Deb 27 April 1909 vol 4 cc170-1
Mr. WALTER ROCH (on behalf of Sir Herbert Roberts)

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether the Ceylon Government had postponed the closing of its licensed opium shops during the present year pending a reference to the Secretary of State; and whether a statement had been received by the Secretary of State from three non-official ex-members of the Ceylon Legislative Council protesting against further delay in carrying out the policy unanimously recommended by the local opium commissioners in their report at the end of 1907?

The UNDER-SECRETARY of STATE for the COLONIES (Colonel Seely)

The facts are as stated in the first part of my hon. Friend's question, but I should explain that the reason for the delay is that a difficulty has arisen as to the regulation of the supply of opium for medicinal purposes to the Vederalas, or native doctors, of whom there is a large number in the Colony. This difficulty has led to a further reference to the Secretary of State, who is now in communication with the Governor as to the best means of surmounting it. As regards the second part of the question, the Secretary of State has received the statement referred to, but for the reason I have already given has been unable as yet to take action in the direction suggested by the signatories.