MR. MACKAENESS (Berkshire, Newbury)Te ask the President of the Local Government Board whether he can state how many applications made by local authorities since 1905 for the limitation of the speed of motor vehicles have been refused by the Local Government Board, and on what grounds they were refused.
(Answered by Mr. John Burns.) In some instances since 1905 where an order has been issued limiting the speed of motor cars, it has not extended to the whole of the roads included in the application, as on investigation this appeared to be unnecessary, but only two applications have been altogether refused. In one of these, the application related to the whole of an urban district. The district council subsequently made a further application confined to certain roads, and the order was issued. In the other case, the evidence at the local inquiry which I caused to be held on the subject was generally to the effect that there would be little or no advantage in the proposed limitation of speed.