HC Deb 25 November 1908 vol 197 c391
MR. J. M. ROBERTSON (Northumberland, Tyneside)

I beg to ask the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether the sentences passed upon fifty-four British Indians domiciled in the Transvaal for having returned without first having applied for registration have been quashed upon appeal to the Supreme Court of the Colony; whether a number of other British Indians are actually undergoing hard labour sentences for doing exactly the same thing; and whether the Secretary of State will make representations in the matter of their release, compensation for wrongful imprisonment, and their admission into the Colony.


The attention of the Secretary of State has been drawn to a Press report of a judgment of the Supreme Court of the Colony, the exact effect of which is not clear. He has telegraphed to the Governor for further information, and pending his reply I regret that I am not in a position to make any statement.