HC Deb 16 November 1908 vol 196 cc880-1
MR. MENZIES (Lanarkshire, S.)

I beg to ask the Secretary for Scotland what sum on the average will be received by the local authorities in Peeblesshire, Perthshire, Forfarshire, Dumfriesshire, and Lanarkshire, respectively, for each pupil in average attendance in board schools and other State-aided schools under his second scheme of allocation of the balance of £436,500; and what sum Would they each receive on the average if this balance were equally divided amongst the authorities with sole regard to the pupils in average attendance.

I beg also to ask the Secretary for Scotland, what total sum would be received by the combined local education authorities of Lanarkshire, providing they received the same sum for each pupil in average attendance as will be received respectively by the authorities in Peeblesshire, Perthshire, Forfarshire, and Dumfriesshire, respectively, under his second allocation of the balance of £436,500.


In answer to these Questions, I have to point out that the information desired not only as regards the district he mentions but as regards any other district may be obtained by dividing the sum allocated to any particular district, as shown in the Return ordered to be printed 3rd June, 1908, by the average attendance at schools in that district as shown on page 134 of the Department's Return, Cd. 4003.


Why should the county of Peebles have a grant of 20s. 9d. for each pupil in average attendance, and the neighbouring and poorer county of Lanarkshire only receive 9s. 7d.?


The Answer is somewhat complicated, and could not be given in reply to a Question across the floor. It is rather a matter for discussion.


Is it fair that a large and rich county like Perthshire should get 8s. more per pupil than a poor one?


That is a matter of opinion.