HC Deb 13 November 1908 vol 196 cc714-24
MR. MORRELL (Oxfordshire, Henley)

To ask the hon. Member for South Somerset, as representing the President of the Board of Agriculture, whether he will state the total number of applications that have been made for small holdings under the Small Holdings and Allotments Act; the number of applicants approved as suitable; and the number of those whose applications have been satisfied.

(Answered by Sir Edward Strachey.) The following table gives the information desired—

County. Total number of applications. Total acreage applied for. Approximate number of approved applicants. Estimated acreage required for approved applicants. Quantity of land already arranged to be acquired in acres. Number of applicants provided for by the council. Number of applicants provided for by private landlords. Remarks.
Beds. 435 6,500 No definite information available 376 20, and 1 co-operative society
Berks, 306 9,347 131 5,003 1,395 1
Bucks. 435 9,254 248 5,000 300 8 Inquiries into applications not yet completed.
Cambridge 1,107 11,600 800 7,000 1,408 145 9
Chester 228 5,232 112 2,246 941
Cornwall 179 2,552 153 2,314 223 11
Cumberland 62 1,289 25 351 5
Derby 153 2,284 No definite information available
Devon 419 7,200 234 1,245 159 22
Dorset 291 5,206 171 2,986 27 1 20 750 acres proposed to be hired compulsorily.
Durham 350 6,452 314 5,529 170
Essex 468 7,612 181 2,381 322 12 13
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