§ SIR PHILIP MAGNUS (London University)I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade whether having regard to the prejudicial effect on the British printing trade of the operation of the American Copyright Act, by 276 which authors in this country, in order to secure copyright in the United States, are required to deposit there two copies of their work printed from type set up in those States, in consequence of which books intended largely for home circulation are printed in America, he will consider the advisability of restricting the copyright in books of British authors to books printed from type set up in this country, and of requiring America authors to print in this country any books the copyright of which they desire to secure in the United Kingdom.
§ MR. CHURCHILLI do not know if the hon. Member is aware that the adoption of his suggestion would involve the retirement of this country from the Copyright Union, and the sacrifice of the advantages which are derived from participation in that union. I am not prepared to recommend the adoption of the course referred to.