HC Deb 09 November 1908 vol 195 c1693
MR. SNOWDEN (Blackburn)

I beg to ask Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer if he is aware that the Patriotic Fund Commissioners have given notice of their intention to raise the amount of the pension to persons over seventy so that they will be disqualified for an old-age pension; that this involves a loss of £2 5s. a year to each pensioner; and what action does he propose to take in the matter.


I am informed that the allowances to certain widows from Patriotic Funds have been increased from £26 to £31 11s. a year, thus disqualifying them for old-age pensions. These widows, I understand, are widows of able seamen or private soldiers, or equivalent ranks, on special funds, which are in a financial position to admit of such increase. I am also informed that the authority for this action, having been taken is the Committee of the Royal Patriotic Fund Corporation charged with the administration of those funds under the direction of the Corporation, and that they adopted this action because they considered that the State should not be taxed to provide old-age pensions in the circumstances and that the widows will be adequately and generously provided for by such an allowance as £31 11s. a year. On other funds which are not in a financial position to allow of similar allowances being granted, the widows have been informed that they should apply for old-age pensions and notify the committee of the result of their applications. I do not propose to take any action in the matter.