HC Deb 26 May 1908 vol 189 c952
MR. SUMMERBELL (Sunderland)

I beg to ask Mr. Attorney-General whether he is aware, in connection with the engineering dispute at Darlington, that on the 14th instant two of the pickets who were not on duty at the time and were at least one mile from the shop in dispute, were stopped by a sergeant of police who inquired if they had seen the account in the newspapers of the conviction of pickets in Newcastle, and stated that they had better keep it in their minds as it would be their turn next; and, if so, whether he proposes to bring this infringement of personal rights before the attention of the Public Prosecutor.


was understood to say he was not aware if the facts were as stated, but assuming that they were he saw no ground for taking action. What was said to have been done did not amount to a criminal offence.