HC Deb 20 May 1908 vol 189 cc297-8

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that a cattle-drive took place on 14th April last, at 12.55 a.m., off the farm of Mr. R. St. George Robinson, of Seamount, County Sligo; can he state how far from Old Rock the cattle were when found by the police, what arrests have been made, and what sentences passed on the perpetrators of the outrage; and further, on 12th May, whether several, and, if so, how many, drives took place off grazing farms in the Gort district, how many arrests, and what sentences; and further, on Sunday morning, 10th May, whether several, and, if so, how many, drives took place off Captain R. Fowler's farms at Rathmolyo, Trim, South Meath, how many arrests, and what sentences; and whether in any of these cases the cattle driven were found to have suffered injury, and if claims for compensation have been lodged.


Mr. Robinson's cattle were driven off his farm on the date mentioned and were found by the police ten miles away. No arrests have been made. On 12th May a cattle-drive took place at Annagh Farm, near Gort. The majority of the persons concerned were dispersed by the police, but a small section succeeded in driving off some ewes and lambs. Twenty-six persons were arrested, of whom twenty-five have been bound to keep the peace. On 10th May cattle-drives took place from three farms near Trim, belonging to Captain Fowler. No arrests have been made in these cases. Claims for compensation have been lodged in all of the cases. The question whether the cattle sustained injury will be for the decision of the Courts.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the cattle drivers in Galway are no longer satisfied with driving the owners' cattle off the land, but now drive their own cattle on to it?


I have heard that that objectionable practice prevails.


Have not the efforts of the right hon. Gentleman to stop cattle-driving absolutely failed?


Will the hon. Gentleman consider the advisability of distributing in these cattle-driving districts copies of the speeches made by the right hon. Gentleman the Member for Dover in 1903?

[No Answer was returned.]