HC Deb 20 May 1908 vol 189 c284
MR. ELLIS DAVIES (Carnarvonshire,) Eifion

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury what is the extent of the Crown land in the county of Carnarvon; whether such land is subject to any, and, if so, what, rights of common; and whether, on the sale of Crown land in the county, the Crown can pass the fee freed from any rights of common.


The total extent of the Crown land in the county of Carnarvon (excluding foreshore) is about 8,661 acres. Of that area about 8,258 acres are subject to rights of common of pasture and the remaining 403 acres are the freehold property of the Crown not subject to rights of common. No sale by the Crown of land can have the effect of freeing the land from any rights of common to which it was legally subject at the time of the sale. The areas I have mentioned are exclusive of lands in which the Crown has mineral rights only.