HC Deb 20 May 1908 vol 189 cc293-4
MR. MURNAGHAN (Tyrone, Mid.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he can state the average number of children in daily attendance at the elementary schools in Ireland for the year 1907; can he give respectively the number at national, model, and Christian Brothers schools; and can he state the cost per head to the public under the different headings.


In 1907 the average daily attendance at all national schools including model schools, was 485,979, and at model schools alone, 6,803. The expenditure per head from State sources on the schools and teaching staffs was: At all national schools, including model schools, £2 13s. 9d., and at model schools alone, £5 11s. 11d. The Commissioners of National Education have no information as to the attendance at, or cost of, Christian Brothers schools or any other than national schools.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the children attending these schools are the children of very poor parents; that as far back as the year 1893 the Liberal Government admitted the claims of these voluntary schools to State-aid; that an assurance was given that a settlement would be arrived at before the end of that year, and is it not time now that effect was given to that assurance?


I have no recollection of or responsibility for the statement, which I believe was made and I would give effect to it if I could, but I am afraid I cannot.