HC Deb 19 May 1908 vol 189 cc73-4
MR. CHIOZZA MONEY (Paddington, N.)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if his attention has been directed to an inquest recently held on Charles Davey, a labourer, lately in the employ of Messrs. Lewis Berger & Sons, colour manufacturers of Hackney, who was poisoned by arsenite of copper in the course of his employment; whether he is aware that it was brought out in evidence that the deceased had been working overtime on green paint for some time, that he got the green dust all round his eyes and about his nails, that his boots were also covered with green dust, and that the green was seen about his hands and face even after he had washed; if he is aware that it was stated in evidence that since Christmas ten or twelve men in the same employ had been invalided off through working on this same material; if he will state how many times during the past and the present year these works were visited by His Majesty's inspector of factories, and what report, if any, was made upon them; and if he can give any assurance that this is an exceptional case of negligence in connection with a most dangerous employment.


My attention has been called to the inquest on this case, and the facts disclosed in the evidence. The man was employed in the grinding mills during the ordinary period of employment, but about a month before his death he commenced to work overtime in the emerald green department. The actual cause of death, however, does not appear to have been clearly ascertained. The factory at which the man was employed has been frequently inspected by the factory department; nine visits were paid last year, and four this year. The "regulations for paints and colours containing lead," which were made by me last year, are in force in the factory, but do not apply to the emerald green department. I am informed, however, that similar precautions to those required by the regulations are voluntarily observed, and also that the firm, which has only recently taken over the works, and has been engaged in re-modelling the whole place, intends entirely to reorganise the work in the green department. The case is one of interest and importance, and my inquiries into it are not yet concluded.