§ MR. WILLIAM REDMONDI beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether the delay in land purchase in Ireland is largely caused by the inquiries into title; and it he can say how many examiners there are and whether steps will be taken to avoid delay in this matter by hastening the procedure.
§ THE CHIEF SECRETARY FOR IRELAND (Mr. BIRRELL) Bristol, N.I have been, and am still, making searching inquiries into the cause of the delay in land purchase in Ireland, and I have ascertained that no delay whatever is occasioned by inquiries into title prior to the advance of the purchase money. After the advance is made or sanctioned, the rights of the various claimants to the purchase money are inquired into by the examiners, of whom there are fourteen, with a view to the distribution of the money. These inquiries necessarily occupy a considerable time, but I do not think that any real delay is due to an insufficient number of examiners. It may be that the entire work in connection with land purchase requires reconsideration. I rather think that at present the chief delay may arise in the investigations and inspections which take place before cases reach the stage at which advances can be sanctioned.